Archive for November, 2021

When Do You Need An Emergency Backup Generator?

Posted: November 26th, 2021

Are blackouts and power outages increasing in Ontario?

Yes, according to the latest studies and research on hand.

From a total of 399 combined outages across Canada’s provinces in 2017, the bulk – nearly 50% – took place in Ontario. 

So, what can businesses and homeowners do to protect themselves against such power disruptions?

Perhaps it’s time to consider investing in an emergency backup generator.

What is an Emergency Generator?

According to, a generator is:

“…any machine that converts mechanical energy to electricity for transmission and distribution over power lines to domestic, commercial, and industrial customers.”

There are two types of generators to be aware of:

(i)                Standby Generators

To comply with local fire codes these generators require professional installation as they are hooked to your premise’s main utility panel and wired into your electrical system.

They consist of a trigger that switches on automatically when the power goes out.

In addition, they are fueled by natural gas, propane or gasoline.

(ii)             Portable Generators

These are manually-operated emergency generators that do not need professional installation. Whatsmore, they simply use gasoline as the main fuel.

Generators also come in different sizes and power outputs depending on the needs of your home or business. 

Lastly, all generators should be operated from outdoors because of health and safety reasons – high potential for release of noxious gases such as carbon monoxide.

Ontario’s Increasing Power Outage Problem

Power outages used to be uncommon within the Ontario region and almost non-existent. We have evidence of this from the Electricity Outage and Reliability Study published by the Ontario Energy Board in 2010. 

In the report we read that, “On average, Ontarians experienced just over one power outage every quarter, or 4.78 outages per year.

Fast forward seven years however and the number of outages has gone up considerably. In fact, Ontario now leads Canadian provinces in terms of having the highest number of power outages. 

In the 2017 Canada Blackout Tracker report, there were 177 reported cases of power loss.  And comparing this figure against that of previous years its safe to say the number of power outages is on the rise: 

Source: Eaton, Canada Blackout Tracker report

So, now that we’ve established that outages are on the rise, who are the people most in need of an emergency backup generator?

Ontario’s Most Vulnerable Residents and Businesses

There is definitely an urban/rural divide when it comes to power outage patterns. If you live in Ontario’s rural extremities or have a business in said parts, you’re more likely to suffer from power problems than similar businesses located in urban areas.

These differences are most reflected when examining regional discrepancies.

Eastern Ontario

The Energy Board’s findings are that residents of Eastern Ontario are more likely to experience far more outages than their contemporaries in other parts of the province.

Eastern Ontarians also report much longer power outages than the others. Consequently, satisfaction levels are generally much lower in this region of Canada. 

One of the major reasons leading to frustration by Eastern Ontarians is the lack of ability by distributors to answer questions regarding why there are so many outages as well as the expected duration of outages.

Northern Ontario

Those in Ontario’s north also experience long power outages. However, in spite of this fact, they were typically not as frustrated as Eastern Ontarians because they are more often able to speak with an actual person and have their concerns heard and questions answered. 

We can therefore deduce that residents of rural areas and businesses operating in the rural parts of Ontario stand to benefit from purchasing an emergency backup generator. 

This leads us to additional reasons to invest in an emergency backup generator.

3 Reasons to Buy an Emergency Backup Generator

Here are three top reasons you should purchase a backup electricity solution.

Reason #1 Growing Adverse Climate Conditions Across the Province

Ontario has been experiencing very high summer temperatures. In fact, summer 2020 was one of the hottest on record since 2013.

This led the IESO to declare a North American Reliability Corporation (NERC) Energy Emergency Alert 1 on July 9, 2020, because they anticipated a spike in energy demand and their own generator outages. 

And it’s not just the heat that’s causing problems but the cold too. Headlines such as the ones below have become commonplace in the last decade:

Because of climate change, these adverse weather patterns are likely to continue in the coming years. So, if you’re a business owner, especially one in manufacturing where downtime can lead to costly loss, you don’t have the luxury to wait until the power comes back on. You need an emergency backup generator now.

Reason #2 You or a Family Member Use an Electrically-Dependent Medical Apparatus

In 2020, there were 6,835,866 people aged 65 years and above including 11, 517 centenarians in Canada. Those aged 65 and older made up 17.5% of the country’s population.

Thousands within this age group rely on medical equipment such as respirators, ventilators, oxygen generators, and home dialysis equipment that require a power source to function.

Loss of power can prove fatal for residents depending on these devices to sustain them. This is why having an emergency generator cannot be overlooked if you or a loved one use an electrically powered device.

Reason #3 Power Outages are Extremely Expensive

Did you know that the average cost of downtime for organizations is around $100,000 for businesses with more than 1,000 employees?

Further breaking this down, the cost per minute of an unplanned outage has gone up from $5, 617 in 2010 to a staggering $8, 851 in 2017.

It’s not hard to see that these power outages are both extremely inconvenient and costly affairs.

The Bottom Line

Uptime is a non-negotiable for businesses in today’s climate. Don’t wait to find solutions when unplanned outages take place.

Ensure your home and business are properly protected against both fire hazards with fire prevention for home solutions and power outages with emergency backup generators.

If you’re on the hunt for efficient solutions in Waterloo, Ontario consider  All Protect Systems

We offer a comprehensive line of emergency backup generators, fire alarm systems, fire warning systems, fire extinguishers, emergency lighting, exit lighting, fire safety plans and sprinkler systems.

Request a free quote today.

6 Commercial Facilities That Should Be Using a Gas Detection Service

Posted: November 15th, 2021

Gas detection service is real-time monitoring of your commercial facility’s gas detectors. Similar to fire or burglar alarm monitoring, a gas detection monitoring service can alert the appropriate personnel when an unsafe concentration appears in your facility. Rather than constantly checking on their condition, you can hire a professional monitoring company to do it for you.

All Protect Systems, Inc. has been offering fire and life safety services to Ontario area businesses since 1996. In addition to gas detection, they also offer fire alarm systems, fire extinguishers and hoses, fire safety plans, annual and monthly inspections, and emergency and exit lighting. They’ve identified a list of municipal/commercial facilities that should use a gas detection service, including the following.

1. Residential Apartment Buildings

If you’re a landlord renting a residential space in Ontario, the Ontario Fire Code requires you to provide a carbon monoxide detector in each unit if the following conditions are met:

  • If a fuel-burning appliance is located in the dwelling, a carbon monoxide detector must be installed adjacent to each sleeping area.
  • If the building contains a service room, both the service room and the areas adjacent to sleeping quarters within the apartments must have carbon monoxide detectors.
  • Apartments in a building with a garage also require carbon monoxide detectors next to bedrooms.

An average of 11 people die from carbon monoxide poisoning in Ontario each year. Carbon monoxide detectors with monitoring can help reduce that number. 

2. Chemical Plants

Chemical manufacturing can produce noxious gases that irritate the eyes, nose, and throat. If someone in the plant inhales air with a large concentration of harmful gas, he can suffer from nausea and even lose consciousness and die. Even non-toxic gases can displace oxygen and suffocate anyone in the area.

The chemicals that produce these gases are stored in chemical containers that can be easily transported around the plant. Therefore, portable gas detectors make sense since they can accompany the substances they’re monitoring throughout the building.

3. Oil and Gas Sector

Every phase of oil and gas operations involves dangerous and combustible gases that can explode when subjected to high temperatures. During the extraction, refinement, or transportation of petroleum products, explosions and fire are always possible when gas levels become too high.

The Ontario Fire Code requires gas detectors in all refining facilities. These gas detectors should be placed in strategic locations to detect the buildup of these dangerous gases.

4. Distilleries

Alcoholic beverages are created through the fermentation and distillation of agricultural grain products. The grain mash is heated during the distilling process until the alcohol vaporizes for collection in a cooling condenser. 

Unfortunately, the process creates ethanol gas which can build up to dangerous levels. Therefore, gas detectors are critical and required by law to monitor gas levels within the distillery.

5. Mining

Mining operations can generate unsafe levels of toxic and combustible gases like methane and HS2. Mines can also develop high levels of other gases, which can displace oxygen and asphyxiate the mine workers.

Gas detectors with appropriate monitoring reduce the risk of dangerous explosions and ensure the mine has plenty of oxygen-rich air.

6. Semiconductor Factories

Semiconductor production requires gases throughout the manufacturing process in the wafer dryers, wafer reactors, and gas cabinets. Gas is necessary for photolithography, doping, deposition, and etching. More specifically, the gases catalyze the molecules of the semiconductor wafers to produce the diodes and transistors.

Dangerous levels of these gases can lead to catastrophic results, and IoT toxic gas detectors are the best way to monitor them. Well placed and monitored detectors can prevent the spread of the gas and even detect the source.

If you’re operating any type of business that requires gas detection, consider a professionally monitored system. The gas detection experts at All Protect Systems are pleased to offer their assistance. Call them today to find out what they can do for you!

5 Requirements That Are Needed For a Fire Prevention Plan

Posted: November 1st, 2021

What is a Fire Prevention Plan (FPP)? 

Who needs one and how do you go about creating one?

A Fire Prevention Plan is simply a document that identifies workplace fire hazards such as combustible materials and heat-producing machinery. In addition, it names the employees tasked with the responsibility of mitigating the aforementioned fire hazards and outlines all protocols necessary for preventing any fires.

Each company’s FPP becomes an integral Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) resource that will guide employers and employees on secure fire safety workplace best practices. 

The information contained in the FPP should be disseminated to all employees in both written and verbal form.

Now that we know what an FPP is, who needs one?

Who Needs a Fire Prevention Plan?

A Fire Prevention Plan is not obligated for all employers by OSHA/CCOHS but it is highly recommended for every business.

The only enterprises for whom a Fire Prevention Plan is compulsory are those employers who run operations where OSHA standards necessitate an FPP.

OSHA standards cover four main industries – general industry, construction, maritime, and agriculture.

If your business falls into one of these categories, then there is a very strong chance that you will be required to have an FPP.

The best way to confirm is to check with your local fire department or fire safety specialist

The Necessity of a Fire Prevention Plan

Each year thousands of workplace fires are reported to the Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management (OFMEM). As it stands over 12% of all fires that happen across the country every year take place within a place of business. 

Apart from structural loss, workplace fires can leave behind a trail of devastation, injuries and even fatalities. They can damage your brand and customer trust. 

While the number of loss fires has been steadily going down over the years, fire threat still remains real. And as long as there is a threat of fire, there will always be a need for a Fire Prevention Plan.

5 Requirements of a Fire Prevention Plan

So, what are the requirements of an FPP?

In a nutshell:

·         Identification of Potential Fire Hazards

·         Identification of Potential Ignition Sources

·         Protocols to Handle Dangerous Substances

·         Appointment of Fire Safety Wardens

·         Fire Prevention Plan in Written Form

Let’s examine each point further.

1.     Identification of Potential Fire Hazards

One of the fundamental requirements of a Fire Prevention Plan is the identification of all substances or materials that could prove flammable or combustible.

Any element that could be deemed fuel for a fire is a potential fire hazard and needs to be properly handled to avoid any accidental discharges.

Once these fire hazards are known, it is imperative to provide procedures on how to safely store these substances and outline them in the FPP.

The different types of fire protection equipment that may be necessary for safeguarding these fire hazards need to be listed as well.

2. Identification of Potential Ignition Sources

In order for a fire to break out, three elements are needed – fuel, an ignition source, and oxygen. The fuel, which is often a flammable substance, must be ignited somehow, meaning there is always an ignition source.

Part and parcel of the requirements of an FPP is identifying potential ignition sources. One begins this identification process by asking a series of questions such as:

  • Is there machinery on site that can produce sparks? 
  • Are there any open electrical elements that can create heat? 
  • Are temperatures elevated in areas containing combustible substances?

You must make inquiries and probe to find any and all potential ignition sources. Once they have been identified, safeguarding mechanisms must be deployed in order to avoid incidental fires.

3. Protocols to Handle Dangerous Substances

If you are a business that deals with combustible materials how will your employees handle these? What are the processes that you will put in place to ensure these elements are safe, secure, and managed in a manner that mitigates fire risk?

How will the business make sure there is no over-accumulation of waste materials? How will waste materials be disposed of? Where will they be disposed of?

Every FPP is required to have these procedures clearly written out so that any employees new to the business will be brought up to speed regarding the handling of such substances.

4. Appointment of Fire Safety Wardens

In order for FFPs to work, they need the input and co-operation of employees. This means there are employees that need to be tasked with duties to do with reducing fire risk.

The first group of employees will be those involved in making sure fire hazards are known and dangerous substances handled and stored correctly.

Another specialized group of employees will need to be appointed to carry out routine maintenance of heat-producing equipment to ensure that its safeguards are in place and working as they should.

All the employees involved in these activities will need to be mentioned in the FPP. This is done for accountability purposes and so that other employees in the company know who is in charge of what. 

5. Fire Prevention Plan in Written Form

The last requirement for a Fire Prevention Plan is that it should be accessible in written form and readily available for all your employees to read.

If you have less than 10 employees you can also communicate the elements of the FPP to them verbally.


Having a Fire Prevention Plan is one more layer of security added to protect your facility and employees. It increases employee preparedness and awareness of workplace fire safety procedures.

If you’re concerned about fire prevention for the home or of your business premises don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

All Protect Systems can assist you with fire safety plans, on-site routine testing, gas detection, inspections, and maintenance of fire protection systems such as sprinklers, fire extinguishers, fire alarms, emergency lighting, emergency backup generators, and exit lighting. 

We also make recommendations for fire protection solutions if you’re looking to upgrade your existing systems. 

Request a free quote today.